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George Orwell

  "That rifle hanging on the wall of
   the working-class flat or labourer's
   cottage, is the symbol of democracy.
   It is our job to see that it stays there."

   - George Orwell


The Founders' Second Amendment by Stephen P. Halbrook and To Keep and Bear Arms by Joyce Lee Malcolm.

 By Ian F. W. Beckett. Looks at the development of British auxiliary forces. (1991)

Death by Gun Control - The Human Cost of Victim Disarmament

 By Aaron Zelman & James Bovard. Illustrates the vulnerability of disarmed citizens. (2001)

The Founders' Second Amendment - Origins of the Right to Bear Arms

 By Stephen P. Halbrook. Insight into the American militia and the Second Amendment. (2008)

Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and "Enemies of the State"

 By Stephen P. Halbrook. Looks at how the Nazis misused gun laws. (2013)

The Home Guard - A Military and Political History

 By S. P. MacKenzie. Comprehensive history of Britain's WWII era Home Guard. (1995)

Hidden Armies of the Second World War - World War II Resistance Movements

 By Patrick G. Zander . Looks at resistance groups in Nazi occupied territory. (1979)

Power Kills - Democracy as a Method of Nonviolence

 By R. J. Rummel. Author found centralized power promotes war and genocide. (2002)

To Keep and Bear Arms - The Origins of an Anglo-American Right

 By Joyce Lee Malcolm. Looks at the classical justifications for an armed citizenry. (1994)

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"We have become too civilized to grasp the obvious. For the truth is very simple. To survive you often have to fight."  – George Orwell

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